
Discover the richness of Japanese culture in our online shop! We have selected for you the best traditional products from Japan, made by passionate local artisans. Whether you are looking for ceramic kitchen utensils, elegant kimonos, or adorable Kokeshi dolls, you will find all of that and more in our selection.


  • Gift ideas

    Looking for the perfect gift for a friend or loved one who loves all things Japanese? Look no further than our "Gift Ideas" category! From elegant tea sets and authentic chopsticks to beautiful Japanese ceramics and traditional clothing accessories, we've got everything you need to give a truly special and unique gift. Plus, with our wide selection of items at affordable prices, you're sure to find something that fits your budget.

  • Summer sales

    Summer Sale: Japanese Treasures at Reduced Prices

    This summer, let yourself be enchanted by Japanese treasures at reduced prices. Our "Summer Sale" category offers a unique opportunity to acquire traditional Japanese items, including delicate ceramics, ornate fans, and handcrafted lanterns. Don’t miss these exclusive offers to enrich your collection with unique and authentic pieces.

  • Japanese cooking items...

    Japanese cuisine is famous for its simplicity, finesse and use of fresh ingredients. Food is often prepared in a way that enhances its natural taste and texture. Traditional Japanese dishes often include rice, soups, noodles, vegetables and raw or cooked fish. Sushi and sashimi are also very popular.

    Presentation of dishes is also important in Japanese cuisine, with dishes often presented in a way that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

    There is also the practice of the tea ceremony, where green tea is prepared and served in the traditional way, in a specially designed room, accompanied by small cakes.

    It is also important to note that Japanese cuisine is very respectful of seasonality, using seasonal ingredients to cook the dishes.

    Finally, Japanese cuisine is considered to be one of the healthiest in the world, as it is rich in fish, vegetables and low-fat foods.

    So, to create your own table, discover a large choice of tableware with traditional or modern, sober or colourful designs. What would a beautiful table be without a good kitchen? Discover a selection of Japanese kitchen utensils for preparing good food.

  • Japanese traditional...

    There are several traditional Japanese garments, each with its own characteristics and use. The most famous are :

        Kimono: the kimono is the most famous traditional Japanese garment. It is usually worn by women for special occasions such as weddings and religious ceremonies. It is made from silk or cotton and is usually accompanied by a belt called an obi.

        Yukata: Similar to the kimono, the yukata is a lighter summer garment made from cotton. It is usually worn for summer festivals and public baths.

        Haori and hakama: The haori is a long, loose jacket that is worn over the kimono. The hakama is a loose-fitting trouser that is worn over the kimono or yukata. Both of these garments are usually worn by men during religious or traditional ceremonies.

        Jinbei: Jinbei is a summer garment for men that is similar to a short-sleeved shirt and short trousers. It is often worn for summer festivals.

        Geta and zori: Geta and zori are traditional Japanese shoes that are worn with the kimono or yukata. Geta are wooden-soled sandals with wooden slats connecting them to the sole, while zori are flat sandals made of cloth or leather.

    In general, traditional Japanese clothing is often associated with ceremonies and special occasions and is worn to maintain Japanese cultural traditions and traditional values.

    What would Japan be without its traditional clothes! Here you can find socks, shoes, kimono, yukata, happi and many accessories to compose your outfit.

  • Japanese interior and...

    Japanese interiors and decoration are characterised by simplicity, minimalism and respect for nature. Traditional Japanese houses are often built of wood and have thatched roofs, paper walls and wooden floors. Rooms are often separated by sliding walls called shoji, which can be opened to create an open space or closed to create private rooms.

    The colours used in Japanese interiors are often neutral, with shades of beige, brown and grey. Natural materials such as wood, stone and bamboo are often used for furniture and accessories.

    Japanese decoration is also influenced by the seasons and natural elements. Flowers and leaves are often used for decoration, with plants such as bamboo, pine and cherry blossom being particularly popular. Crafts such as pottery, lanterns and straw mats are also used to add texture and warmth to the space.

    Furniture arrangement is also important in Japanese decoration, with furniture often arranged to create an empty space around it, giving a sense of calm and relaxation.

    Finally, the Japanese interior is often characterised by a number of rooms dedicated to specific activities such as meditation, tea ceremony, martial practice or study.

    If you can't go to Japan, Japan will come to you! Give your home a Japanese touch with our range of objects.

  • Books on the Japanese...

    Books about the Japanese world are an excellent way to discover and understand Japanese culture, history, society and traditions. There are many books on different topics related to the Japanese world, ranging from Japanese cookbooks to books on the history of warfare, novels, manga and self-help books based on Japanese wisdom.

    Japanese cookbooks are particularly popular and can help you discover the secrets of Japanese cuisine. They can show you how to prepare traditional dishes such as sushi, ramen and tempura, as well as more modern dishes inspired by Japanese cuisine.

    There are also books on the history of Japan which cover different aspects of culture, society, politics and religion. These books can give you an insight into Japanese culture through the centuries, as well as its influences on current popular culture.

    Novels and manga (Japanese comics) are another way to learn about the Japanese world, especially fictional stories that are inspired by Japanese culture and traditions. Manga can be an excellent way to learn about Japanese popular culture and to understand the cultural references in popular films, video games and TV series.

    Finally, there are books on personal development inspired by Japanese wisdom, such as Zen meditation, tai chi practice or ikebana (the art of Japanese flower arranging) that can help you connect with your own spiritual and personal culture.

    All in all, books about the Japanese world are an exciting and rich way to discover and understand this complex and fascinating culture. There are books for all tastes and levels of knowledge, so it's easy to find the one that suits you best.

    Find in this category all our books on Japanese culture, travel guaranteed!

  • Cast iron objects from...

    Objects made of Japanese cast iron have several advantages:

        Durability: Japanese cast iron is very durable and can last for decades if properly maintained.

        Excellent thermal conductivity: Japanese cast iron allows for rapid and even heat distribution, which is ideal for cooking over high heat.

        Heat retention: Japanese cast iron retains heat for long periods of time, which is perfect for keeping food hot after cooking.

        Beautiful finish: Japanese cast iron has a smooth, even finish, giving it an aesthetic appearance.

        Easy to maintain: Japanese cast iron is easy to clean and maintain, simply wash in hot water and wipe thoroughly.

     Find here a wide range of cast iron items from Japan.

  • Japanese grocery -...

    Japanese grocery shops, also called "konbini" or "suupaa" in Japanese, are retail shops that sell food and convenience items. They are very popular in Japan and there are many networks of shops throughout the country.

    Japanese grocery shops offer a wide variety of food products such as prepared foods, fruit and vegetables, dairy products, ready meals, sushi, mochi, noodles, drinks and snacks. There are also basic products such as personal hygiene products, household products, stationery, clothes, magazines and DVDs.

    Japanese grocery shops are often open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and have a wide range of products that are convenient for consumers on the move. Japanese grocery shops also offer services such as train and bus ticket sales, DVD rentals, mobile phone recharging, and transit card sales.

    There are now many Japanese grocery shops around the world, especially in major cities, where Japanese expatriates and food lovers can find Japanese products that are difficult to find elsewhere. Japanese grocery shops are often a meeting place for Japanese communities abroad and can provide an interesting cultural experience for those interested in Japanese culture.

    Here you can find many Japanese foods to cook all your dishes. Sauces, noodles, tea, sake and many other dishes can be enjoyed on a taste journey to Japan.

  • Zen Meditation - Learn...

    Die Zen-Meditation (oder Zazen) ist eine meditative Praxis, die ursprünglich aus Japan stammt und ein fester Bestandteil der Tradition des Zen-Buddhismus ist. Sie besteht darin, in Stille zu sitzen und sich auf den Atem oder ein Mantra zu konzentrieren, um den Geist zu beruhigen und einen Zustand des wachen Bewusstseins zu erreichen.

    Die Zen-Meditation wird normalerweise im Sitzen praktiziert, auf einem Kissen namens "Zafu" oder auf einer Bank namens "Zabuton", mit gekreuzten Beinen im Lotus-, Halb-Lotus- oder Schneidersitz, mit gerader Wirbelsäule und den Händen, die auf den Knien ruhen. Eine gute Körperhaltung ist wichtig, um eine flüssige Atmung zu ermöglichen und um nicht einzuschlafen.

    Ziel der Zen-Meditation ist es, den Geist zu beruhigen und einen Zustand des wachen Bewusstseins zu erreichen, der als "Satori" oder "Wachheit" bezeichnet wird. Sie ermöglicht es, sich von störenden Gedanken und Emotionen zu befreien, um einen Zustand des inneren Friedens und der geistigen Klarheit zu erreichen. Die regelmäßige Ausübung der Zen-Meditation kann auch die geistige und körperliche Gesundheit verbessern, Stress abbauen und die allgemeine Lebensqualität steigern.

    Man kann die Zen-Meditation allein zu Hause praktizieren, häufig wird sie aber auch in Gruppen unter der Leitung eines erfahrenen Meditationsmeisters praktiziert. Es gibt viele Zen-Meditationszentren oder "Dojos", in denen man an Kursen und geführten Meditationssitzungen teilnehmen kann.

    Für eine entspannte Zen-Atmosphäre haben wir Meditationsartikel ausgewählt, die Sie zu einer Reise in das Land der aufgehenden Sonne einladen. Hier finden Sie Räucherstäbchen, Kissen, Makura, Dharma-Schalen und andere Gegenstände.

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